Category Archives: Անգլերեն

past simple

  1. Steve came to my house last week.
  2. went to college 3 years ago.
  3. He ate dinner 1 hour ago.
  4. slept well last night.
  5. lived in Bangkok for 5 years (I don’t live there anymore).
  6. He entered a room, lit a cigarette, and smiled at the guests.
  7. The teacher said that the earth moves around the sun.
  8. The teacher taught the lesson well.
  9. The baby cried in the cradle.
  10. She left the town for good.

A letter to Santa

Dear Santa

My name is Vardan.

I m 11 years old.

I ve been good this year.

please bring a new computer

for chrismas

Thank you



The magic paintbrush

Rose loved drawing. She was very poor-աղքատ and didn’t have pens
or pencils. She drew pictures-նկարներ in the sand with sticks. One
day, an old woman saw Rose and said, ‘Hello! Here’s a
paintbrush and some paper for you.’
‘Thank you!’ smiled Rose. She was so happy. ‘Hmmm, what
can I paint?’ she thought. She looked around and saw a duck on the pond. ‘I know! I’ll
paint a duck!’
So she did. Suddenly-անսպասելի, the duck flew off the paper and onto the pond. ‘Wow!’ she said. ‘A
magic paintbrush!’
Rose was a very kind girl and she painted pictures for everyone in her village-գյուղ. She
painted a cow for the farmer, pencils for the teacher and toys for all the children.
The king heard about the magic paintbrush and sent a soldier-զինվոր to find Rose. ‘Come with
me,’ said the soldier. ‘The king wants you to paint some money for him.’
‘But he’s already rich,’ said Rose. ‘I only paint to help poor people-ժողովուրդ.
But the nasty soldier took Rose to the king. ‘Paint me a tree with lots of money on it,’
he shouted.
Rose was brave-քաջ and said, ‘No!’ So the king sent her to prison-բանտ. But Rose painted a key
for the door and a horse to help her escape. The king chased after her. So she painted
a big hole, and splat! The king fell-ընկավ in.
Today, Rose only uses her magic paintbrush to help people who really, really need

Summary of the third semester

Test on English

Interviw with Rock

Let’s read
My info planet


Interviw with Rock

-Hello I am Vardan

-Hello I am Rock

Vardan-I know you are famouse. How many films do you have?

Rock-I have 11 films.

Vardan-How old are you?

Rock-I am 39

Vardan-How many children do you have?

Rock- I have 4 children

Vardan- How much money do you have?

Rock-60,00,00,00,00, dollors

Vardan-Oh MY GOD



My mom is Hrush Mnoyan she is 33 years .She has 3 children. I am Vardan. my two brothers are Felix and Rich. She is desighner. She is always happy and she is very kind. She is so happy as Spring. I like to travel with mom. we play with my brothers. i help to make breakfast.

Thank you mom for everything.




one apple- two apples

one bird-two birds

one shoe-two shoes

one dolphin-two dolphins

one clown-two clown

one spider -two spider


I am            We are

You are        you are

He, She, It is   they are

hes a clown — they are  clowns

youve got a freind — you have got friends

look at the bat — look at the bats

she is a doctor — they are doctors

look at the shark — look at the sharks


one watch-two watches

one fox-two foxes

one mosquito-two mosquitos

one beach-two beaches

one dress-two dresses

one tomato-two tomatos



For the trip we need

hot  tea


rain shoes

rain coat

warm clothes



and a friend to help me